Monday 13 December 2010

level 85

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to wow-hubs look at World of Warcraft cataclysm. today we are going to be taking a look at what we should all be doing when we hit 85 just invade you don't know, I am here to help :).

step 1 - hit level 85
Ok so you have hit level 85 in what ever zone you have just completed the first thing I would suggest is to keep questing through that zone this is because it will give you more rep with that faction so you can get better gear upgrades as to get to heroics you need an average item level of just under 333 I think it's about 328 or something like that.

Step 2 - normal dungeons
now you have a bit more rep and should have a tabard for each faction find out what faction gives you the best upgrades and work on them first. and make sure you get to exalted with the therizine as they have the new shoulder enchants for all specs.

step 3 - heroics
so now you have a high Enough item level to enter your first cataclysm heroic I would suggest going with friends or guild mates as I am not sure what the standard of the random PUG is at the moment but from my friends that are dps that leveled in random normals the tanks are not very good.. espicaly the death knight ones!

step 4 - Raiding
well you have now conquered heroic deadmines and got all your current best in slot items from heroics now is the time to start raiding read up on the tactics get your group and go slay some dragons! well you can try too...

Monday 22 November 2010

Curse Vs Black Temple

This is a video that I Loved watching when i just started playing WoW its also the reason I rolled a Mage Ekyu was kinda of a mage Idol to me. Iv made a playlist with all 5 parts of the video if you wish to watch all of it

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Death Knights Patch 4.0.1

So last week a week after patch 4.0.1 hits we have seen more hotfixes in one week than almost a year, and I had the pleasure of main tanking the first 4 bosses in icc 10 as our normal MT decided to heal and of course to put me through my paces, after only having one raid and a few randoms so my experience was limited I decided to switch up mt rotations on each bossfight to see what worked best and it took to saurfang to get it right, I mean come on an hour to work out an rotation that's too long! But anyway now we look forward to our new spells at 85 and seeing how us dk tanks will fair with what Deathwing throws at us!

Patch 4.0.1

o guys patch 4.01 has hit iv moved to Canada got a job left my eu toons behind and raiding 10man icc on my dk what I know don't know what to do.

So I ask this question how has the new patch effected you? To answer the question my self, I'm happy about the change to points from badges as it means I got my t10 shoulders (at last I know!). I also got my wrathful gladiator set finished off. The new talent trees are very very interesting getting key spells at lower levels helps so much my level 30 priest has penance and my 15 holydin has holy shock both brilliant spells to add to my healing arsenal at such low levels and it help to L2P my class of course.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Bartender4 Tutorial Video Update

The Bartender 4 Tutorial Video is currently in the stages of stripping it down and seeing what bits i don't need in it, soo it should be uploaded in a few days.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Making a Clean UI

Ok so here goes my attempt at helping people to make a clean and simple UI for world of Warcraft with all the things you need to get you through the raids and PVP or even dailys that you do. I will upload a video to go with this guide when it is finished.

Step 1 Addons you need and were to get them.

Bartender 4:
Bartender is the King of all bar mods it allows you to get rid of tho's ugly blizzard default bars free up a LOTS of space and place it any were you need to.

Quartz is a very shiny sexy looking cast bar which has a very handy red section at the end which tells you when you can let go of that casting key and press the next spell. Quartz has high customization which i will go in to more detail in another post.

Mik Scrolling Battle Text:
Mik Scrolling Battle Text is one of thos addons that some people love and others hate the basic purpose of this addon is to show your battle text tho I know the default blizzard combat text does this as well but you can move the battle text to were ever you need to on your screen thus meaning you will be able to see your character clearly when you are in combat. I will upload a video of how to configure Mik scrolling battle text as well.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Patch 3.3.3

Well patch 3.3.3 has hit my first impressions of it are it's brilliant random battlegrounds a improved auction house and frost Mage improvements what more could I ask for?
Well reason to feel challenged in the content that is there would be nice and people not being judged by gearscore and achivments but we can't have everything at once can we?
Well here is to wishfully thinking good luck sorting out the player base tho blizzard.

Monday 15 March 2010

Tanking UK Normal

Here is a video of me I dug out of my archive of me tanking in Utgard keep Normal

Saturday 13 March 2010


Due to me moving to Canada from the UK the last few months and not being on a decent Computer sadly I cannot fraps Which is the reason for no content on the site as current I hope I can try to get back to it as a casual thing and perhaps blog my views on change to things in WoW.